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Friday, February 3, 2012

Year Four!

It is just the second month of the new year and only two months into my son's fourth year of life and already it is proving to be very challenging. You always here people talk about the terrible two's but no one really says anything about kids until their pre-teen/teen years. My Parker Michael is very fun and I enjoy watching him grow and learn. However, he has really started to perfect pushing my buttons and toeing the line between well behaved and a little rascal! He hasn't gotten to the lying stage yet but her certainly knows how to make excuses. I am a single mother and enjoy motherhood more than anything in the world but doing it alone has been difficult on more occasions than I can count. (Even if I hate to admit I can't always do it on my own). Being a single mom makes my funds lower than I am comfortable with, my time for myself and my little one far and few between, my energy low, and my daily Tasks multiplied. Needless to say I am in a funk as a mom and as an individual. As I mentioned in previous posts I am also bipolar and between learning about my new diagnosis and trying to find the right medications life has gotten a little more difficult than anticipated. But I have a lot of faith and I know this is going to be harder than I would choose but I can do This! In fact, I have to for my budding four yr old who needs more discipline in his life! As scared as I am about our futures I am also very excited about a new chapter in our lives. Each year as my son grows older I get Wiser as a mother and as an individual. Each new chapter is a new adventure for us because we are doing it together and it helps us bond in a way no one can really understand but us. Soon he will be sTarting school and trying sports and other activities that I cannot wait to begin making those memories! So if you are in a similar situation or have a four year old just know that it is all a learning process and we can all get through it together. If you have any suggestions on how to discipline your pre-schoolers or any new habits you are teaching your little one I'd love to know. Leaving comments or email me on the actinides you and your kiddo enjoy to do!


  1. good luck!! every stage of development has its own challenges AND rewards....what worked consistently for me was taking a lot of time talking, explaining and most importantly demonstrating expected behavior. Good luck . It is not easy!!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  2. Hello, I think my biggest thing to teach my children was trust in me as a mom, trust so that they'd come to me later and freely talk to me. You have to be consistent in your discipline, also teaching responsibility for his actions and belongings. I always reminded my children they had 2 choices, do the right thing or do the wrong thing. If they did the wrong thing then they'd have to know that there will be consequences.

    Parenting isn't easy and yes it's a learning process.

    Visiting from the hop

    1. Teaching discipline and responsibility are the two most important things. That I know....but the execution is my problem. I am responsible but I do lack discipline. I am a firm believer in teaching/leading by example! But, I admit I am a little hypocritical when it comes to discipline. Part lazy, part disorder I can play the blame game but it really hasn't been for lack of trying....just never succeeding. Now it's a new year and I've figured out my mental set backs, it's time to get back on that horse. Any suggestions or some of your own strategies? Thanks for you input and stopping by my blog!

  3. Hi. I'm visiting from The Weekend Blog Hop. I am your newest follower. I have a four year old and can sympathize. Granted, she doesn't throw as many tantrums as when she was two, but when she does throw one, look out! They are explosive!
