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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's a new year...let's talk resolutions!

With the new year comes our resolutions. A new year a fresh start! Last year I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and this year I am determined to overcome the obstacles that come with this disorder. Everyone makes those resolutions but very few stick with them. I must stick with them or at least stick very close to my plan. So, now that we've talked about are mine!

1. Spend less money
2. De-clutter my life
3. Travel and show Parker the world
4. Remodel my house
5. Stay focused
6. Build on my emergency funds
7. Ride our new bikes more often
8. Read a book a month
9. Write a book
10. Cook a meal at least 4 times a week
11. Do one thing on my bucket list
12. Do at least 3 things on my list of resolutions

What are your resolutions for the new year? And have you ever followed through on the resolutions you have made in the past?